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Drummond Golf oct 2020
Spotlight on Bree Oglivy

You might recognise Bree’s beaming smile from your screens as the co-host My Golf TV. She has carved out an exciting career in the golf broadcast media space over the years and her entertaining enthusiasm for our sport is a real joy to see. 

What are the top 3 perks of being a TV host on ‘How Good Is Golf’?

That’s difficult to narrow down because there are so many great things about working on the show. I love travelling around Australia and playing different golf courses that I haven’t played before. I really enjoy working with Gowie (co-host Paul Gow) because we get along so well and we do take the mickey out of each other quite a bit! And one of the most rewarding parts of the show is when viewers tell me they took up golf after watching our show – I love that.

Do you enjoy playing at regional courses? If so, where and why? 

I often play in different parts of regional Victoria because I am from Kerang and I have also lived in both Bendigo and Geelong. I find getting away and playing regional courses is a nice change and a different kind of challenge. I also enjoy playing with friends and family that live regionally. 

You’re quite the fashionista. What are your on-course outfit accessory must-haves? 

Hahaha funny – I do love my golf fashion and fashion in general, it’s always been a big part of my life. For these cooler months I like to wear a Golph beanie peak - it is the cross between a beanie and a visor. I also created a hand cream for post round as part of the Golph collection and I always have that with me!

What does your role with Genesis Motors entail? 

Genesis have been a great partner of ‘How Good is Golf’ over several years and their vehicles really are beautiful to drive. I have worked closely as a friend of the brand and was fortunate enough to play in the Genesis Invitational at Quail Hollow following the President’s Cup in 2022.

Have you ever been starstruck? 

Not really, I don’t think?! Meeting some of the players over the years who I grew up idolising has been exciting. I think if I ever met Tiger… I may have a different answer to this question! 

Golf has become a ‘cool’ sport on a global scale. Why do you think that is? 

Golf seems to be evolving, particularly in Australia. I think perhaps the stereotype of a Professional Golfer has shifted a bit over the years – they are ‘cooler’, appear more athletic, there is more diversity, etc. – so it appeals more. 

I believe athletes from other sports and influencers also getting into golf has helped promote the sport and move it into more of a lifestyle space as well.

Follow Bree’s golfing adventures on Instagram here