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Golf is for when you retire
I have played golf since I was 10 years old. Through golf, I made a lot of friends, including my future husband, whilst travelling
throughout Australia and the world to follow my passion. I learnt many life skills on the way such as; honesty, courtesy, sportsmanship,
respect, confidence and perseverance.
Golf is such an amazing game and it’s easier if you start earlier.
Golf is for the rich and famous
Let me tell you one truth, money does not always buy you a great golf game!
Grass roots golf I can be very affordable. Most driving ranges have clubs that you can borrow and hitting balls is fairly inexpensive.
Starter set clubs can cost from $200 up. Find a great membership deal e.g. a ‘Lifestyle Membership’ that allows you to play on the course at
restricted times.
Golf is for people who aren’t
Most rounds of 18 holes involve walking at least 5-10 km’s so to play golf well and for a long time it’s an advantage to be fit.
Strength training helps you to hit the ball further, flexibility allows to you turn and finish the round without sore muscles. The golf
swing uses almost every muscle in the body and having a strong core helps you repeat your swing and be more consistent.
Golf courses can be very relaxing places and great for your mental health.
If golf is too slow for you, you can always play ‘Speed Golf’ where you run between shots. Speed golf is all the rage in Europe right now!
Golf takes too long, and I don’t
have time
Golf has changed to suit our busy lifestyles. There are increasing numbers of shorter courses like 15 holes, driving ranges, mini golf,
indoor driving ranges, and simulators - each providing great ways to engage with the game.
A quick 9 holes is a perfect way for some people to fit golf into their busy lives.
Playing early or later in the day can avoid the first tee rush and having to wait for the group in front.
Golf clothing is boring and old fashioned
At many of the private clubs you can now dress in active wear as clubs are starting to relax their clothing rules. They realise that by
allowing a more relaxed dress code it in turn makes the game more appealing to a wider group of people.
‘Skorts' are personally one of my favourite things to wear on the course and are popular with women. Shirts can now be worn
out rather than being tucked in.
Long socks used to be compulsory for men at some private courses but now they can wear short socks. A jacket and tie used to be compulsory
in many clubhouses but now you can wear your golf clothes. Always be respectful and check the dress code at clubs before playing though.
Golf is easy compared to other sports
Well now this is an interesting one! I like to keep coaching simple - so as not to make a complex game even more difficult! Golf
gets easier once you have some lessons. Getting lessons from a PGA professional teaches you the basics and is the key to a good
foundation when you first start playing.
Group lessons are affordable and a great way to meet people of similar level whilst having plenty of fun. Keep in mind that as you get
better, golf is still a challenging sport and requires a ‘never give up’ attitude to succeed.
Words by Sarah Douglas
Sarah Douglas played in amateur tournaments all over Australia and New Zealand before turning pro and competing in the United States, Japan and eventually on the LET. Returning to South Australia 10 years ago (complete with husband and two young children), Sarah enjoys sharing her love for the game, by coaching at The Grange Golf Club, running junior programs at Flagstaff Hill Golf Club and in many schools around Adelaide. Sarah and her mum also run MyGolf classes together too.
Contact: Sarah Douglass-Norris
PH: 0413 308 025
IG: @sarahsgolfgroups