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Awesome nods to 80s cults Pacman and Tetris
A Greg Norman shoutout
The Simpsons loungeroom
A Donald Trump-inspired Mexican Wall hole
Oom-Par Loom-Pars and a delicious MotherClucker for the hungry!
After opening 12 months ago in the heart of Fortitude Valley in the magnificent old church that was previously home to late night dance clubs, Holey Moley Golf Club has stepped it up again, updating 11 holes into shining bright beacons of fun. And, well, they are everything you would expect from the place that a year ago invited Brisbane to come and play around with their balls!
There’s two clever nods to the late 80s with the Pacman (a neon experience of course), and the Teetris where putters have to negotiate falling blocks. The Oom-Par Loom-Par Doompadee Tee is utterly brilliant – players tee off through a wonderful garden into the Wonka factory door, they hit the big red button and watch as their ball is sucked through the pipes, down the ramps, through the musical instruments and onto a giant Wonka bar.
(PS. We want a pony, NOW!)
And 742 Evergreen Terrace stands to be possibly the most photographed hole at Holey Moley given it’s a replica of The Simpsons’ loungeroom!! Yes, we are not even kidding!
The Caddyshack Bar at Holey Moley has also announced an update, with new tipples to tease and tantalise – there’s The Putty Professorand The Happy Gilmoreo among others, while Tee-Quila Mocking Birdie, Teeyonce Holes and Long Island Iced Tee remain firm favourites, joined by the full beer and mocktail menu.
In addition, a Food Truck now calls Holey Moley home, serving pizzas including The Cheese & Thank You (classic margherita), The MotherClucker (mozzarella, chicken pieces, red onion on a sweet chilli base), The Parloha (mozzarella, ham, pineapple and secret pizza sauce) and The Big Tony (mozzarella, pepperoni and secret pizza sauce).
Holey Moley Golf Club boasts pride of place at 25 Warner Street in Fortitude Valley. It’s a leisure-tainment experience unlike any other in the country – cocktail bar, mini-golf course, work of art, retro and social commentary locale and all-out cool hub rolled into one. Who goes there… think hipsters, corporates, families and those that thankfully don’t fit into a box – it’s the melting pot of putters. So Par So Good?
Holey Moley Golf Club
25 Warner Street, Fortitude Valley
Ph: 1300 727 833